Friday, August 28, 2009

Health Care Debate

However you may be feeling about this the most animated national debate of our times, Sedona Holistic encourages you develop informed opinions on possible changes to our health care system. Whatever decisions get or don't get taken over the next few years, the consequences for all of us will be far-reaching for a long time to come.

We are the only industrialized nation in the world which does not place the health of its citizens on a par with, say,  national security or public education. We are alone in going to the polls year after year with no opportunity to endorse an administration's performance on health care--or send it packing. Whether as an American this makes you proud or leaves you perplexed, the fact is we occupy a unique vantage from which to view the experience of countries that have gone before us, pioneering a concept of health care as a right  rather than a commodity. And while each nation has gone about it in its own way--the Canadian system or the British National Health have little in common with what the French or the Belgians do, a vast amount of information is already available as to what works and what doesn't. And so the delay in setting up an American system of our own will likely give us a leg up towards getting where we are going.

Here is a link to an article on the Canadian health care system which I suggest for its informative rather than its proselytizing  content:  Don't Get Sick.

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